The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN) concluded its national elections on October 24, 2023, in Lagos, Nigeria


The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN) concluded its national elections on October 24, 2023, in Lagos, Nigeria, featuring significant developments and changes within the leadership structure.

The elections witnessed a mix of unopposed returns, emotional decisions, and notable alterations in key positions. Notably, Pretty Okafor, amidst persistent pressure from delegates, was returned unopposed as the President of PMAN.

Okafor, who initially opted not to contest, yielded to the fervent requests of the state chapters, which rallied financial support for his election. Consequently, all other candidates for the presidency were disqualified as they failed to meet the financial membership requirements stipulated in the PMAN constitution.

In a similar vein, Suny Neji, the 1st Vice President, and Zaaki Azaay 2nd Vice President both retained their positions unopposed, owing to the disqualification of competing candidates for non-compliance with PMAN’s membership regulations.

Contrastingly, the incumbent National Treasurer, Asha Gangali, faced defeat in the election, resulting in the assumption of office by Baba Ojonugwa (JFO) as the new PMAN National Treasurer.

Additionally, Ruggedman was returned unopposed, securing his position without facing any contenders.

The General Secretary of PMAN in person of Boniface Itodo (Aita Bonny) was also reappointed and continues to serve in the same capacity.

Furthermore, Mr. Bem Faga (Bem P) was appointed as the Assistant General Secretary of PMAN, bringing fresh perspectives and support to the association’s administrative framework.

The recent PMAN national elections mark a pivotal moment for the organization, reflecting its commitment to upholding membership standards and ensuring the continued growth and prosperity of the Nigerian music industry.

Several PMAN state chapters purchased election forms and forcefully compelled Pretty Okafor to contest.

Failure to do so would have resulted in the stalling of the election process, as his absence in the leadership of PMAN was perceived as a potential hindrance to the association’s progress.

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