About us


Performing Musicians Employers’ Association of Nigeria

The Performing Musicians Employers’ Association Of Nigeria and abbreviated as (PMAN) is an organisation founded by Christy Essien-Igbokwe and Sunny Okosun in 1984 to guide, protect and promote the interests of Musicians in Nigeria, Authorized by the government of Nigeria under the Trade Unions Act, the organisation also has the responsibility to regulate the practice of music profession in the country.

As of 1st of August 2022, the president of PMAN is Pretty Okafor, while the 1st Vice President is Suny Neji, and 2nd Vice Zaaky Azay, National Treasurer is Asha Gangali, Ruggedman  is Chairman Media while Ital Bonie Aka Boniface Itodo is the General Secretary. 

The PMAN Biometric ID Card project in partnership with Zenith Bank Plc is currently ongoing, to capture data of PMAN Membership for effective administration



How to get a card<br /> Register Here and fill out all required fields. Ensure you enter your appropriate email address. An email with your Card information will be sent to you. A Hard Copy of the Card will be sent your registered home address.